Highly recommend changing Repair to Maintain, similar to FFXIV version of Repair. Instead of simply repairing gear, they add an amount of durability and this result in the item being over 100% durability, which in turn means it takes longer before...
Add Active Player Name to Map/Realm or Default Realm Leader
When in a multiplayer team can the name of the character/player be tagged somewhere on the map so we can identify who the realm belongs to? Pehaps with an active portal as well, or perhaps set a Realm Leader when in a party so it always defaults t...
I created a character for online play, but when I go to the social tab my character's name shows up as 'Player' instead of the name I gave the character. I can't receive or send invites to friends.
So having played this before and after the big rework, I still love the game! However, the 1 bug i encounter incessantly is that a crafting table that needs fuel will look like it's still burning -- and when I go to actually ignite it, it won't. I...
Blueberry bushes planted in small pots will leave a "ghost" bush behind when you move the pot in the building menu.
In Abeyance, when moving a pot containing a blueberry bush using the build menu, the pot and bush will move but there will be an additional non-interactable blueberry bush that gets left behind sans pot.
When moving items to storage, the inventory shows Capacity but it would be great if it shows your current and max weight too. Also, it is the opposite when you look in your backpack. You see weight but not capacity.
Things in the game that are attribute stackable please add a badge or indicator. For example, if I have two infusions, or charms that are applied to different items on me, allow us to know that the infusion, or item is stat stackable.