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Make lights logical and fun again please

Just returned to the game this weekend and found that wall lights and candles no longer bestow the well lit trait on work stations. I hope this is just an early access "broken for now" issue and you're planning on making this work again, because l...
about 1 month ago in Feedback 1 Open

Ability to lock resources and items in inventory.

Please add the ability to lock items in inventory, so they dont go to chests, when using options to transfer all, or transfer similar. There are some Items I always want to keep in my inventory.
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Trees regrown in abeyance realm through the buildings and invincible.

Trees regrown in abeyance realm through the buildings and invincible. Regrows spell is not affecting them. Now half of my base is impassible.
5 months ago in Bugs 2 Fix Live

Forge Card stopped working entirely after update

For a while the forge card has been buggy, but after the recent update it has stopped applying its effects to any material regardless of source. I've tried making items with multiple ingot types that worked prior to the update and now do not.
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

First slot of consumables unequips itself

The first slot of my consumables consistently unequips itself. I am not sure when it is happening, I notice it most often when I am unpacking inventory and opening and closing storage containers upon returning to respite.
3 months ago in Bugs 3 Under Investigation

A ship that will act as a mobile base and another mode of realm traversal

With the game being heavily focused on adventuring and gathering resources, I feel like a mobile base such as a flying ship in some form would be a very big complement to this style of gameplay and the game in general. At the moment, you need to g...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Specialized storage furnishings to reduce clutter and increase decorations

Currently with so many types of materials, players are creating arrays of storage to try to keep it organized. This results in trying to have a lot of storage with a compact footprint, while also mousing over each identical looking container for t...
5 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Please add more social functions to the game

Adding some expanded features to the Social aspect of the game could really make this game shine with plenty of folks. Friends lists, block lists, guilds/companies/unions, trading, access permissions, chat, etc - features such as these would eleva...
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Add Separate Keybind for "Cast"

I've seen a few other kinda-sorta similar posts, but none as straightforard as the title of this one. Currently, "reload" and "cast" share the same keybind (default R). This makes enchanting ranged weapons like rifles to also use enchantments (at ...
11 days ago in Feedback 1 Open

Customization resets when another player is messing with boxes.

I was in the glamor station customising an item when I noticed it kept resetting my choices to the items default. I was wondering why and was hearing my friend in our storage boxes. He was pulling items out and putting items in the boxes. We teste...
11 days ago in Bugs 0 Open