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Building Restrictions can be Frustrating - Less would allow greater Creative Freedom

It's frustrating when the game won't allow me to place pillars in places I see no reason why that would not work. The first 3 screenshots perfectly encapsulate this. 4th screenshot shows a good example of something I wish the build system allowed ...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Oberon's Bounty Stops Working on Knives After Casting Other Spells

I've been farming fabled carnute hide for my magic build but it seems that using other spells (even with other weapons) before swapping to a knife and using Oberon's Bounty breaks it and causes it to no longer harvest a carcass in one go as it sho...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Lag is awful

The lag is awful. I am so excited about this game, but combat is impossible. I glitch a lot while climbing. I am running lowest possible quality to try to play. I am currently trying to focus on building and even that is so glitchy it is difficult...
about 2 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Unable to Place Crude Ramp in Makeshift Sprail Staircase

Could you please allow us to have a bit more freedom with the crude ramp placement so I can make a curde spiral staircase for my three story shack? Please see screen shot for details. Thank you.
about 2 months ago in Bugs 1 Planned

Problème de traduction

Bonjour certain texte ne sont pas traduit, surtout quand on parle avec des PNJ. Il y a aussi certaines pages non traduite . Je suis au tout début du jeu , et j'ai déjà vu une dizaine de texte non traduit . Je joue en version française uniquement.
about 2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

pc crashed and stuck in abeyance

my pc crashed due to intel 14 series issues during the intro after getting the first quest and the relm card turning the world normal. once reconnected im back in the altered world and cannot move forward was forced to restart entire play though t...
about 2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Ceiling lamps not working

They are black since update.
4 months ago in Bugs 2 Under Investigation

A real 2hnd Sword plz!!!!

2hnd Sword... not just a pokie fencing sword plz n ty.... plz o plz.... Give us something with weight behind it, not as slow like the 2hnd hammer!!!! A 2hnd sword that feels good to Slash though the Mobs!!!!
4 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

We need a simple matchmaking system

Right now, the only way to group up with people is to get on the Discord, post in the "Looking for Group" channel, and then type their character name in the game's Social Menu search. It shouldn't take that much effort to find other people to play...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Workbench augmentation indicator disappears when you move the workbench

Moving a workbench causes the GUI to no longer indicate that augments are affecting the workbench, but inspecting shows that the augments still apply
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open