Keybindings can break Deconstruction in Edit Build Mode
For some reasons my keybindings were off after the update, and I found out cause it was preventing me from deconstructing build opbjects.The processing circle would start when trying to deconstruct something but halfway in it will instantly stop a...
"Search for the Lawman" quest broken (Bass Reeves)
It seems that due to the way I answered questions or completed Magwytch marshes I am unable to progress this quest. There is no way to gain Bass Reeves trust. I have logged in and out over the course of multiple days now, and have reset the realm ...
questing for J.Ain Dessert Gauntlet. killed Humbaba, but he fell over and then flew up in the air so I cannot harvest him. (I have a screenshot of him in air if you need to see for youself)
It's an Axe, it's a pick .. but it's not .. can't fell a tree with it, can't mine with it .. I thought it would be an upgrade to carry an axe and a pick, but no .. it's just useless. (only to fight)