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Estate Cairn

The Estate Cairn should as you go from low level to higher Level be able to have workers harvest higher materials.
2 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Cannot change appearance of porter pistol

Porter pistol does not appear in the glamour station, meaning you cannot change the colours of any of it's components.
20 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Lights change with glass color

It'd be neat to have lights or lens colors change based on glass used to craft the items.
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

The Watch

Make the watch great again. The Watch is great mid game social goal. however the new update killed it. no one goes there with the boss rush aval. Make the Watch have more vendors and a daily or weekly quest provider, also the Vaults need to go bac...
6 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Revamped recipe tab on crafting benches

We got a rework for building mode, and i think not a rework casue the crafting system is pretty good, the less intuitive part i see is the recipe selection inside craftbenches, all the names in a list and thats it, is not something intuitive and t...
11 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Fires not lighting

After update Unreal 5.4 (3 Feb 25) with the new cooking system, campfire fires do not light up, nor is there an option to light or extinguish. Cooking still works, and I can add fuel, but there is no fire or burning up fuel.
about 1 month ago in Bugs 3 Open

Please Allow Lights on Columns As Well as Walls

I often find I want lighting in an area where there is no wall, but there are columns - normally I'd go with a chandelier, but that doesn't work well for high ceiling areas or porches (want sconces on the outside facing surface of the column)
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Please let us pin recipes for Tools and Clothing from the bench

On behalf of all of us with CRS (Can't Remember S....tuff), Please, PLEASE let us pin recipes we're currently working on the way we can for buildings. (Was that 2 leather and 1 cloth, or 1 leather and 2 cloth for this hat....? Aaaargh let me run b...
6 months ago in Feedback 7 Open

Blue/purple beezleboar products display as green

When customizing gear, the blue/purple beezleboar fiber/hide/leather displays in preview, but once you click "customize" and view the gear outside the menu it displays as the green beezleboar materials instead.
7 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

What is the point of speeding 600 tier 4 on metal customization .

I just spent 600 tier 4 on Metal customization and Nothing changes none of my crafting tables reflect any thing. I am confused is this broken ?
7 days ago in Bugs 0 Open