Please consider making the contents of the Pepys box shareable by everyone in the party. My best friend and I play together, While one of us is harvesting, the other is crafting, so being able to pull out any resources that the other puts in would...
One of the ways New World keeps players continuously busy/engaged. to have something to do with their spare materials, and to have a reason to keep using all their skills, is the Town Board missions. Although New World also has kill missions, typi...
Cooking Fire in base, no settlement, work once then lock out.
After using a campfire in multiplayer: Can add fuel, can add to que, but timer does move and nothing is crafted. Only fix so far is to break, not dismantle as there is no option, the fire and make a new one. rinse repeat.
Separate physical properties from mystical properties in gear
(1) Currently, gear comes with "fixed" stats -- a specific design has various components and comes with a basic amount of stats according to its supposed tech tier. Tying gear type and appearance to stats was common in early MMOs and generally a h...
Refined smelter fire lit but not processing materials
Wanted to craft more glass and process ore into ingots but I think the refined smelter is bugged. The fire is lit and when holding down E it says the fire is already lit however its not actually processing any of the materials or counting down how...
Augmentations disappear, have to rebuild workstations to fix
Upon entering the game, none of the work stations will show how many agmentations without having to select station traits. Destroying and rebuilding all the work stations fixes this but is annoying.
Progression panel is bugged and shows a bunch of Lorem Ipsum junk. I cannot upgrade my character. Please fix. This only affects one of my toons, not all of them.
I currently have 12 footed chest stacked on the biggest shelves back to back for random materials, 3 separate for food, and then other storage solutions around. I spend an equal amount of time trying to stack already stored items as I do trying to...