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Going "Green"

Follower Harvest Deadfalls only.. When I am harvesting, I personally choose to only harvest wood that has already fallen. I really like the environment and how great you've made the forests. I'd like some sort of "feature" to have our follower onl...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

I can't create cloth or thread

I have been looking up online to create cloth. I have a refined textile station. I can create twine. I have no idea to create thread or cloth. I search for either of those in crafting - nothing shows up for it. It makes it impossible to craft item...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Problem with the level of the scholar's hat!

I think there is a problem with the level of the scholar's hat because it is level 2 and all the other pieces are level 4...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Unable to pick up crafted foods

When I went to craft my cooked berries for the first time, it takes my berries and my fuel for the fire but I never get the food I cooked. It just sits in the Queue and doesn't do a count down. My friend was watching and has been able to cook but ...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Joan of Arc quest not advancing

While building fopr Joan of Arc, quest does not update.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Cannot place trunks properly on top of shelves (must be cockeyed)

While placing the 4th and final steamers trunk on the top (4th) spot on a shelf, the trunk cannot be placed neatly in the same general orientation as the 3 below it. I managed to get them up there, but always off to one side, hanging over the edge...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Realmwalker's Compendium - Player written journal in game

I'd really love a notebook within the game so I can detail my own findings as I explore. So for example, if I find an iron node I can record where and when I found it in my notebook. Or where a particular NPC is. Etc etc. I realise the community i...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Crafting Menu Mouse Scrolling

When opening the crafting menu it is already on the bottom of the page. One of the drop-downs near the bottom of the page is open (not one that I recently used), and most importantly, I can't use the mouse scroll wheel to scroll through the menu. ...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Metal with ranged damage attribute

There are certainly 50 metals with attribute melee damage but not a reasonable metal with ranged damage attribute. the metal einaidia is either a bug with its ore weight of 6kg or it is a bad joke that I can't laugh at. the only metal for a usable...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

some errors occurred while gaming

Hi folks firstly, the game has very nice few's all around, THX! Found two errors yet, 1 - one camp can’t finish, even I had destroyed enemies and spoke with all three character’s. See attached 2 - in the inventory there are some failures, maybe by...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open