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No Stats on Mystic Blunderbuss at workbench

Hi, just unlocked a few T3 tools and I have found that the Myystic Blunderbuss isn't showing the base stats. It does show up after adding one of the materials though. Have closed and reopened game and base stats still not showing.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

The ability to have a pull feature.

I would like to there be a feature to pull resources from a vicinity around storage units, seeing as we all have to store items somewhere and most of us organize while others don't, it would probably help a lot if we can open our inventory have a ...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

I don't see Refined Tailor Augment at craft.

I don't see Refined Tailor Augment at craft. Does game have it atm?
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Add Rewards to Offline Mode

It would be appreciated if the rewards from Online Mode could be accessible in Offline. How it is done is up to you, there are many methods out there to allow a steam game to give access to content within the game. To name a few, hidden achievemen...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Realm Address Card Pointless

Prior to recent update when holding a Realm Address Card I could Travel to Respite of the visiting realm. Now if I Travel to Respite (or Crossways) I return to my game Respite or Crossways. Today I joined a friend in his game he gave me a Realm Ad...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Cannot apply enchantments after upgrade bench was used

I just realized that since I upgrade a couple of weapons, I am no longer able to add enchantments to previously enchanted items. the only options to apply enchantments to are ones that I upgraded.
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Glamour Station - Open with controller unable to use

may be user error but not sure how to even find out. I have been able to navigate and look at options in the glamour station but have not been able to change anything. I open with my controller and navigate. I figured it would be one where I need ...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Upgrade items needs clarification

Hello! I LOVE the update. Great work! I think the upgrade system when you finally get to the watch might need some rework or just better explanation. After playing previously it seems like it should be known but it wasn't intuitive to me that you ...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Upgrade bench controls

The upgrade bench has never worked with a controller and now that we don't see it until the GREAT....but the issues remain so I wanted to document for posterity. Selecting the item to upgrade has only once registered with my controller...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Ingot yield bonus bugged when crafted in batches

when crafting in batches, example (6) it yields 9 total but when u craft in single (1)+(1)+(1)+(1)+(1)+(1) it yields 12 each single returns two ingotswhereas when crafting in batches, every two returns a single bonus
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open