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Bhutan Chandelier Lamp-Face Lighting

The bhutan chandelier doesn't appear to be lit correctly, certain sides which are even facing each other are dark/light. I believe all the faces of the 'lamps' should be lit, but not 100% sure what the design was going for.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Flat roof tiles are misaligned

Looking at flat roof tiles from above, it appears that their top portions have "sunken" down. There is a very noticeable gap between the top of the roofs, and the eaves on the sides, and this makes builds very odd looking. It appears all of the fl...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Crafting does not remove items from inventory

Since the latest update, whenever I've crafted items, the materials used are not being removed from my inventory. I've noticed this with both building structures and the crafting benches.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Halloween pumpkins appear in Grey scale.

Crafting pumpkins in my Welkins Reach floating mansion all pumpkins are in grey scale, no colour what so ever, I have rebooted my pc and my friend who plays with me has the same visuals (sees grey scale pumpkins) and makes grey scale pumpkins too ...
5 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Crafting Augmentations Not Working

When using crafting benches I have noticed that any augmentations used for the bench are not always 'seen' by the crafting table it's connected to. Even if I go into the 'edit mode' and move the augment from the position it's in, the table still d...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Did not get portal recipe

I found my first synchronous lotus and was supposed to have been given a portal recipe, this recipe however does not appear for me and I am now unable to make any portals that are not to storied realms. I was hoping to create a realm to set up a p...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open


Issue was my fault, had a word in the search bar that hid everything.
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Higher tier buildings 80% return

I just learned that higher tier buildings only get an 80% return on building materials. I think this should be changed to 100% considering the amount of grinding one does for building. Also, it seems that you are wanting to encourage building beca...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Weathered Trunk and all contents disappeared when moved

I was in a "Desert Antiquarian" realm moving my storage containers around in my respite, and when I moved one of them (the one with fairly important items in - mechanical lotuses, etc. - I only just got to T2), it completely disappeared after maki...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Building and QoL

First off, I really like the game and I am enjoying it. The idea for the realms are great and crafting has been enjoyable. Building has been tough. We can't build over one wall without destroying the old one, which in turn seems to affect building...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open