I cannot switch the open side of the railing to the side where my steps are connected. Regardless how often I scoll with the mouse. This happens sometime but not anytime. Sometimes it lets me switch the side.
Get some outside help for your lighting issues devs
This is your second attempt to get lighting under control. Seek outside help as it seems you folks need it. Not a judgement, just seems the knowledge to make great lighting in your game is a little beyond your current skillsets. Just a friendly su...
TLDR:Crafting feels tedious and time consuming because of augments and stations.It constantly makes us reorganize our bases aesthetic every time we want to craft something. Its annoying to me, especially because i cant remember what does what, i n...
39 total essences for building tier 1 & 2 crafting stations time 2, plus 2 other crafting stations to build those for a total of 6 new crafting stations to complete 3 assistance requests, well, I won't waste my time gathering all the materials...
I have noticed that when placing or looking at a station upgrade there is no clear indicator of what station the upgrades go to like trailer bench or smithy it’s kind of annoying that I have to go to the points page to see what station I unlocked ...
I used a Mystic Wood Axe with a fair amount of Magick [400+] and the Regrowth Spell on tree stumps [standard trees] in my abeyance realm and the spell wouldn't regrow them. There was also no change in the fibre surrounding it.
It would be nice to have an "autofill best materials" option to make crafting a little bit more beginner-friendly. The option would simply auto-place the best ingredients for the type of item you're trying to craft. This could go along with a more...