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Get some outside help for your lighting issues devs

This is your second attempt to get lighting under control. Seek outside help as it seems you folks need it. Not a judgement, just seems the knowledge to make great lighting in your game is a little beyond your current skillsets.

Just a friendly suggestion. Walking into mini suns in the interior after the dungeons we had before the patch in our houses is startling.

My companion is now blind and constantly running into walls after the recent patch. My pet cat will not come inside and my little Eoten pet catches fire when going near a light fixture.

The screams...the screams are what I remember most.

Category Tags Visual/Art, Building
Mode Offline
Sentiment Critical
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    • Guest
      Mar 23, 2025

      My god. I'm so frustrated with the darkness inside my house-of-a-million-chandeliers. You said it. I think proper lighting is beyond the devs' abilities. I've never experienced another game with lighting issues like this. Seriously, what's the problem? Phone a friend, please.