Ich kann die Quest um zur Wacht zu gelangen nicht abschließen, da der Sagenumwobene Roboter Läufer "Bishop" in der Sumpf Herausforderung mir kein Zauberöl gibt sondern Löwenmäulchen Öl. Auch töten brachte nur Löwenmäulchen Öl.
Until i used the Blood Moon card on Desuetude, the display on the screen of items for quests required was well working. I was finishing Frankenstein quest, and when using the blood moon card in desuetude it made all at 0 the items. But the quest w...
I have been playing the game for awhile. Honestly kind of obsessed at the moment. But I am in Magwytch Marshes and one of the POI's that you do the Defend quest on the two NPC's (and a 3rd one who I can recruit) are under the POI. This is making i...
when yu enter the site of power in Sylvans Cradle you need to activate a few glyphs to go further down, after searchign for a long time I looked online to find out that the last glyph just doesn't show up for me. The one that's supposed to be on o...
Danu's quest dialog still references previous quest version
Danu's quest dialog still references the sound-sequence Bastilles with the "plim plom" sound references. However, the new quest directs players to collect Echoes, which have a different sound.
I was doing the quest "A Matter of time" With Friends, and I was not in my personal zone, but a friends. I left my friends zone and Went to mine and the bound were spawned but not the scrolls, So I am Missing Scroll 1.
the quest where the angles fear to tread door in first room not opening
in the quest where the angles fear to tread you got to go down some stairs and find some glowing runes to unlock a door. problem is I can find 4 out of 5 runes but never the last one I've reset the realm more than once to try and fix this I've wat...
On being asked the 2nd riddle question- Which bound does not bite, the answer from the Poem Ballad of the bound appears to be 'Dark Weaver'. This option is not offered by Taliesin. Trying any of the three option causes a curse, so the dialogue is ...
Cannot finish main quest Where Angels Fear to Tread. I killed Azazel but it does not count on quest. It still shows '' Kill Azazel, the Penitent 0/1 The problem is i cannot fight him again because he is dead and long gone