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Workspace Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 14, 2024

Puck icon is unapproachable

In "favour for a favour" the icon on the map showing the location of the glyph is unapproachable. When you get closer it just disappears on the compass. There is no glyph or ruin or any other indication at the given location. In a lower tunnel beneath that was also no indication.

Mode Online
Impact It's difficult to play or progress
Category Tags Quests
Realms Sylvan’s Cradle
Minor Realm Cards None
Steps to Reproduce Get the quest, go towards the map marker on the hilltop
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  • Guest
    Sep 19, 2024
    The glyph is hidden inside the cave, it is behind a rock wall that is breakable with a pick. We reached the glyph after an hour of searching with climbing picks because the breakable wall was not telegraphed/tutorialized.
  • Guest
    Sep 15, 2024

    Im still stuck on this one as well.

  • Guest
    Sep 15, 2024

    Well, ok, so it's not a bug. Though it is very confusing from a gameplay perspective.


Quest target glyph not appearing at map location for quest "A favour for a favour."

When I go to the target location, there is no "odd glyph" to destroy. It might just be me, but in case it's a bug, here's a report? :) Thanks for you help and for a great game!
13 days ago in Bugs 1 Duplicate