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Fey Chest treasures are mostly silly

Aside from mostly being useless or mundane (e.g., wooden poles), there are outright silly items. For example, in a deep Vault, a Fey Chest contained Bread Dough. Recommend maybe giving a theme to the chest contents, such as materials that only Fey...
6 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Unable to trade with Merchant after speaking to them

Upon speaking to Merchant in Welkin for first time, selected to ask question "What do you know about this realm?" This causes game to exit dialogue and upon speaking to him again, the above text is shown and there are no options to progress dialog...
2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Building tiles with a seamless portal integrated into them

They would have something like this asset inside them Then you can make your estate into an MC Escher painting. Some of the fae ruins already have some MC Escher style shapes to the...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Unable to get threw cave hole under waterfall

We all love to build above waterfalls. I keep seeing this one particular waterfall that has a hole in it, with obvious space behind the rock formation and this hole that you should be able to at leat crawl threw to get into, but you cannot. It is ...
5 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

NPCs at Aid POIs Sometimes Undo Your Work

For certain procedural generations of Aid POIs, the NPC survivors that spawn can aggressively chop down nearby trees. These felled trees can sometimes fall onto the structures and Aid blueprints you completed, destroying them and undoing your prog...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Lovely Tudor manor POI!

I was just smashing my way around a random realm while hunting new people to recruit and came across a wonderfully designed POI. It's in the Tudor style (which I'm already quite biased towards). It's also very detailed! There was a bathroom separa...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Defense Sucks

the defense missions are impossible, the machine breaks after a single hit from any monster and i cant prevent the mobs from getting to it with building/barricades even with repairing them. the machine breaks too easily pls buff
about 2 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Ideas for more POIs

First of all it was very nice to see that more POIs has been added in 0.5. Especially with new puzzles (font of secrecy, font of authority). But I havent seen them in the random realms. Will there be POIs with that type of play in the future? I ha...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Adding Archaeology

Adding of an archaeological codex: You have to find certain plaques or statues or similar in the buildings / POIs and can collect them in your codex. This unlocks stories about the buildings or who the statues are supposed to represent (according ...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Rescue mission

Both online and offline.a rescue mission to rescue an automation bishop and choose to keep them to fix our estates and assign them different tasks such as farming, fixing etc.
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open