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Companion Is Consistantly Losing his inventory outside of items that are equipped.

Companion Is Consistantly Losing his inventory outside of items that are equipped. Several days worth of most valuable finds all gone. Then i test and put junk on him and it vanishes too.
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Duplicate NPC names

Encountered an NPC for a 'help build' quest with the same name as my companion (Adeline in this case). After complete, that NPC followed both of us around performing same task as my companion. Including picking up resources. Unfortunately, those r...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Quest giver missing

Doing quests in the hollowed moore went to quest giver Dinir the Giant. When I went there only a floating club and a name was there. The giant was invisable and i was not able to interact with them.
2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Sylvan's Cradle Aid quest simple smelter won't ignite

the npc Aid building camp quest in Sylvan's Cradle has a simple smelter than cannot ignite fuel (click button to ignite and nothing happens); cannot make a shaft without lit smelter
4 months ago in Bugs 3 Open

Essence Trader Marion Convo Exits

When you ask the Essence Trader Marion in Welkin's Reach, "What do you know about this Realm?" The converstion exits with you no warning. When you try to engage with Marion afterwards it repeats the question and the convo exits. Thus you can no lo...
2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Problème de traduction

Bonjour certain texte ne sont pas traduit, surtout quand on parle avec des PNJ. Il y a aussi certaines pages non traduite . Je suis au tout début du jeu , et j'ai déjà vu une dizaine de texte non traduit . Je joue en version française uniquement.
2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Equip and Prepare NPC's for Raids

Hello! While doing the Quest for Joan of Arc, where you help her build the first parts of her army, I thought about making this a feature in the game. The better equipped the NPCs are the better the chances during the event. This also gives more r...
2 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

cant assign tin and quartz at he same time

So I have two seperate mining stations and have assigned people to them with stone and tin or stone and quartz but not tin and quartz. as it resets the other emptying the resource slot. A friend has 4 mining stations without this problem.
2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Tree stumps my companion cut down near Respite can't be removed

My companion likes to chop trees in her spare time but this leaves stumps that appear to be invincible. No damage taken when I try to remove them.
2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Sickle NPC throwing

Let our NPC throw the sickle as a weapon
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open