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Npc sits on the Toilet, when take a break - It looks not great

It just looks terrible, like the NPC is sitting on the toilet.
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

companion is gone.

After the Teleport into the Watch(misson), my companion is gone, no way to find him. all the gear on him is also gone. no Chest with anything. 2 hours of optimazing the gear of him, is lost. Thats why you should male testservers to check the updat...
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

NPC and Other entities cause lag

When trying to walk past npc's and other players i am lagging and being forced to move around getting stuck in corners until everyone exits the game
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Main NPCs in villages/camps should move around, sleep at night

Main NPCs in villages and camps should move around the camp and don't stay in the same spot. They should go to sleep at night, NPCs should act similar to how they do in Bethesda games.
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

AID POI NW side of map Magwytch Marshes near Bunker entry fails to complete.

At the back of the NPC's stick tent is a Simple cooking station that needs to be supplied with materials. You can add the required sticks but in my instance it only took 3/4 of the stone requirements. No matter what I did it would not let me add t...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Idea feedback controll Ship

My question would be whether there will be ships later so that you can go out to sea and explore things, etc
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Recruit won't plant seeds

All permissions granted on container with seeds and on Recruit, tried Work and Follow modes on Recruit, but Recruit won't interact. Other players have stated their recruits can plant seeds. No idea why it's not working. See video:
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Survivors not transfering loot across realms

Whenever I farmed for mats, I stored them on my survivor consistantly while I was in a seperate realm, tp back to respit and everything was gone. Not in any chests or either inventories. Tp'd back to og realm and nothing was there and mats were gone.
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Essence Trader in Abeyance Forest Realm convo is bugged

When you ask for trading there are no issues, however if you ask him if he has heard any news, he becomes bugged, and you have to restart the game because every time after that he will be stuck in the conversation and no longer offer trading option.
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Random Mystery Dude in House

I've been playing in a realm with some family/friends. At one point, one of them had visited and left the hair/mustache from either one of them or their followers, in the middle of a hallway. Now, my mystery headpiece was entertaining and I wasn't...
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open