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Quests Will Not Update - abeyance and gloriana's tears

The problem began when I tried to talk to Wilhelmina about two rumors at once. I was able to talk about Nellie, and then talk to Nellie Bly (character 1/2) about Wilhelmina. But the quest stopped advancing from there, and my journal is stuck with ...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

NPCs won't respawn

I am in Magwytch Marsh. I can't complete the defense quest near F5 because the NPCs were killed before I was able to talk to them to start the defense quest.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Follower won't come inside house

My follower only comes into the bottom floor of my home. If I use the stairs to go to upper levels they disappear and reappear outside the house or on the roof. The only way I can re-engage them is to go outside the house and when I re-engage them...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Allow Automatons at our Respite for Harvesting

It would be cool to allow us to craft and use Automatons at our Respite to help with harvesting, they can harvest while we are away from our Respite. In addition maybe we can have Automatons as companions too.
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Bishop not dropping oil

Quest for the oil that is dropped by the Automaton Bishop is not working. Unable to get oil from Bishop. Used recipe from Victor to make Seed Nursery and the Bishop starts the process by providing the alter and am able to place a Seed Nursery in i...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Mass Buy / Slider for Essence Traders

With all bps from learning/progression now, and spare essence all converting to t1, it could be rather nice to have a buy in multiples button for the resources from traders. The cost above tier 1 is a bit too ludicrous unless we have a way of incr...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Several NPC's have fallen under map, Magwytch Marshes Realm.

I have had 7 NPC's fall through the map and congregated in between B5/B6, (can see their names with a spyglass looking straight down) Two of which come from the defence POI south of the Maywytch Town which i can not complete now because i can not ...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Npc pathing on pillar issue.

Died while running up a pillar on the ground, Friendly npc keeps running towards me then de-spawning resulting in me never getting revived.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Aid Mission Cannot Be Completed

In the Astrolabe Forest, an Aid mission could not be completed when the NPC topped trees into the home they were trying to build. While I completed all the visible builds and repaired the house, the quest did not end. I suspect builds were on the ...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

St Michael's Chosen quest cannot be completed

Most of the items do not count for the building steps for the quest to progress.
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Open