Hey!I would like to a feature where I can press one button just to cycle through the 3 offhand item that I have because the number 8 and 9 is not in a confident position when you play with WASD movement.
When using a consumable, the consumable in the first slot is also used as well, for example, when eating food, the item in the first consumable slot, (in this case my health potions) is also used
Build Pack Item For Frequently Built Items (Lodestar, Pepys Box, etc)
TLDR: Combine required materials into Build Pack object for ease of construction. Inventory management is already so involved in Nightingale (with variations on variations of every item type) keeping the ingredients required to build Lodestars and...
Implement Option to Prevent Auto-Slotting Radial Menu
The new radial menu is awesome for holding Q to quick chow some grub, but farming isn't a great experience when seeds and other things that you need to have in the inventory always gets auto-slotted to the radial menu. I have to constantly move st...
Visual bug, elemental resistances not adding up correctly on crafted clothes
I used Crystal Ball and Macabre Rack augments to increase All Resistances for my clothes, while crafting an item it shows 10% on all elemental resistances, crafted item shows only 7.5%, but equipped item gives me 10%.
I would like to be able to type in the amount of an item that is going into an inventory. If I have a stack of wood I would like to be able to type 5 to deposit 5 wood. Not really have to deal with the slider.
Suggestion to streamline storing and storting of resources and materials. Primary Change: Rather than having multiple storage chests that each hold a set amount of objects, change it so that there is a single unified inventory space that contains ...