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My follower unequips items when I take like items from their inventory

I gave my follower upgraded hat and shirt. I equipped them on him. I then removed the old ones from his inventory by clicking on the item then clicking transfer. When I did this he unequipped the other ones.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Consumable menu says holding MB5 opens radial after remapping the consumable button, but it's still Q.

Changing the consumable button changes the button to use consumable, but it doesn't change the button to hold down to bring up the radial menu like it says it does in the consumable menu, and there's no option to change it in the settings, either....
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

When moving gardening items, the plants are left behind. Sometimes exiting fixes this, other times not.

When moving gardening items, the plants are left behind. Sometimes exiting fixes this, other times not.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Favourite button in crafting benches

Hey, could you maybe add a favourites button in the crafting benches so you can favourite the things you craft the most. There are alot of different things and sometimes its a bit overwhelming
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Required essence to finish progression counter

allow us to see a number somewhere in the progression menu showing the amount of essence required to complete the entire tier of progression(1,2, and 3), and possibly one for every subsection (refinement, tools, etc.)
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open


character don't always heal when pressing Q even when i have 30+ potions.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Inventory screen and trading with recruits need to show both current/max weight and inventory slot counts

In the inventory screen there's nothing showing me how many of my 75 backpack slots are full. It just shows me the current weight and limit. To see how many slot I have left I have to trade with my recruit. But, there i don't see my total weight. ...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

is there a way to not have to start over?

190 hours in and now I gotta start over?
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

water bottle issue

you dont get glass bottles back after trying to fill them in water.
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

My suggestion after 20 hours gameplay

First of all, I want to congratulate the entire team for this fantastic game. The idea is amazing, with great mechanics and a very original storyline. I just finished the Suspension Dimension and would like to share my experience and suggest a few...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open