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Using a bug/glitch in a quest with protection

The defense quest turns out to be very easy, since you can simply place 1-2 foundations on the extractor and bound will not reach it until the foundation is broken. It seems to me that it should be prohibited to place structures in the room with t...
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Umbrella mess keys in multiplayer

The umbrella cancels the move left action (using A in a ZQSD layout) and instead triggers the "pick up potions" action. This issue only occurs in multiplayer mode for the guest player.
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Weekly release of features

Can we get new... something (anything!) released on a weekly schedule similar to other Early-Access games (e.g., Icarus) to help attract and retain new and returning players? At this point in the game, the gameplay gets stale, and there are no add...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Stuck in a waiting for server loop

Stuck at "waiting for server" on the loading screen. In order I get 1) "Waiting for server." 2) "Preparing realm." 3) " Waiting for server." I've tried •validating files •reinstalling the game •different Wi-Fi networks •updating my drivers •m...
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Codex, building, and recipes all missing.

My codex, building blueprints, and recipes are all missing from my character. Progression tree still has everything previously acquired, unlocked. A restart did not work. Unlocking a new recipe in the progression menu did not work.
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

my friend can't pick up items on my world

I'm playing with my friend and there are times when he can't pick up items from the ground even though he's not overweight, he tries to pick up the item and it jumps and goes back to the ground. We have tried to see if it was weight or if it was s...
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

bonjours a vous tous hier j'ai installe le jeu pour pouvoir y jouer avec un amis j'ai finit le didacticiel mais pas moyen d'inviter ou de rentre dans le groupe de mon ami je suis deja au rive de welkin mais toujours aucun acces de groupe j'ai beau aller voir sur internet comment faire ils me disent tous pareil c a dire : " finir le tuto cree groupe puis inviter via le pseudo " probleme 1 je le trouve pas 2je ne peut pas inviter et lui de meme alors j'aurai beaucoup aimer que l'on me dise quel es le probleme et pourquoi je n'est aucun acces a la coop avec mon ami

la coop
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Network Error Dratted

A couple of days ago, only a small time after the last update, I started encountering a network error ID dratted every few minutes of gameplay. The connection in my house has not changed, nothing else is lagging or stopped. Even when I am unable t...
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Realm Address Card to Storage Cause Details to Overlap

Some of the Address Card Information persists when viewing other cards in the transfer to chest menu, and when there are multiple names they still populate on separate rows but those rows are occupied by other lines of text. It quickly becomes ver...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Under Investigation

Voice chat doesn't work

I've been playing with someone and their voice chat suddenly stopped working last playthrough right after the autumn event launch. Mine works fine, but they're using the same mic and setup with voice chat enabled and it doesn't pick up his mic.
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open