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My realm was reset after stuttering

I had gone back to Abeyance to experiment with minor cards. I had applied the Treasury card to farm essence since I figured I should just be able to use the Crossways to go back to my Sylvan's Cradle realm. I opened my map and returned to corssways to reopen the Portal and the game stuttered ever so slightly and the portal just didn't open. I tried to reopen it again, still nothing happening. I remove the card to try and reopen a the portal entirely, this whole time being extremely careful NOT to click the reset realm box and this time it works. I enter the realm and glide down to where my base is and it's just gone. Completely. The Realm was reset.

Mode Online
Impact It's difficult to play or progress
Category Tags Building, Inventory, Multiplayer
Realms Sylvan’s Cradle, Abeyance
Minor Realm Cards Treasury
Steps to Reproduce I could not replicate the stuttering/portal not opening issue which I think are key aspects to reproduce this.
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    • Guest
      Jan 19, 2025

      Turns out that the laggyness was unrelated. It was that someone else had opened the original Cradle protal, a consideration I did not realize until testing it later on againl