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Showing 142

Multiple players use Summon Swarm

I've noticed from playing with other players that if we cast Summon Swarm on an enemy, it cancels out the other player's Summon Swarm. I always assumed this was intentional, but I am curious if it is actually a bug.
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Please let us kick players from realms.

Please, please add a feature to let us kick disruptive/griefing players from a realm without having to reset the realm entirely.
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Earlier Multiplayer-Type Hub

Hey there devs, I know you're probably tired of seeing this topic, but I wanted to amend it for 0.5 and further, in regards to the multiplayer aspect of the game and how I think a change early on would benefit quite a number of things. Ranging fro...
4 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

In the multiplayer both has same name

me and my friend are playing online. if one of us is seeing the map, both players have the same name.
2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Looking For Group - In Game Please, NOT Just Discord!

I feel like the multiplayer aspect of this game is seriously flawed and needs an overhaul. For one, there really should be a Looking For Group feature in the game because not everybody wants to use Discord for that. It would make things a lot easi...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

bring life to your characters, face animations etc + add animations to the doors

the things that bugged me a lot is still there and it may seem like a tiny thing but to me it's kinda a big detail the little things matter a lot in a game and that attention to detail just makes the experience a lot better especially in a multipl...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Map Party Icons

When being in a party, the icon on the map for your party member should be ON TOP of the icons on the map. I should not think I am alone or not see the player at the event because their blue circle is behind the regular map icon. When someone says...
6 months ago in Feedback 2 Open


Wo ist mein alter Account, mein Charakter.., meine Welten? Die gesamte Spielzeit umsonst gewesen....alles umsonst gecrafted und gebaut???
about 2 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Can't build augments

I have unlocked augments, but since the winter update they do not show up in the augment tab and I cannot build them.
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Planned

Group Play is not Rewarding

In fact, it's punishing. Currently, it's more efficient to just run ascended realms solo for T4 essence. In group vaults, you only get a measly 7 essence per objective and you have to compete with party members over who gets essence drops from ene...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open