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Plants (farming) persist after being harvested

Sometimes plants in pots/boxes can persist after having been harvested. When this happens they can be harvested multiple times before they can no longer be interacted with. While they are bugged you can't target/interact with objects beyond them, ...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Wish more Victorian era style tile sets for building

I noticed there are some cool buildings but players can't build in those styles yet. Maybe we can have more Victorian building tilesets, such as the RED BRICK industrial things in the factories and GOTHIC high arch windows in the towns. There are ...
2 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Inventory weight limit kills ALL THE FUN in this game!

Number ONE seriously BAD design is always mmore than one inventory limit! PLEASE, choose ONE limit and don't stack. Either weight or inventory slots. And in any case, LET the PLAYER CHOOSE how much of a limit they want!!!This game should not make ...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Growing Grains

Not sure if its a bug or not, but you cannot grow Oats. There is neither an option to extract seed from oats nor an option to plant them. its a smaa thing, but it is an annoyance because of the recipes that require it. Oats seem more rare than som...
2 months ago in Bugs 1 Under Investigation

Device for locating/identifying ore/rock/rare materials in a new realm?

(I'm sort of thinking aloud here so please bear with me.) I've arrived at The Watch and naturally spending a lot of my time realm-hopping to gather T4 essence and T4/T5 materials. I still love exploration and part of me doesn't want to speed that ...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Add real world low tech / Amish / survivalist techniques to make it educational

Since humans are thrust into the Realms with no infrastructure support, this is an opportunity to introduce educational but useful techniques as part of the player rebuilding a life for themselves and civilization for humans out in the Realms. Eve...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Animation stuck in watering can position

When visiting a friend, there was an instance, where the person was watering plants.They said they double clicked their knife to put it in the same spot the watering can was at."double clicked knife in inventory, when having watering can in hand."...
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

plant life provides animal resources in some ascended realms

I'm standing in the ascended herbarium desert, picking up sticks that are around the zephyr core and I'm getting tier 1 meat, bones, and hide. I've seen this happen in other ascended realms too
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Sanguine Berries not spawning corrcetly.

I was loooking for Sanguine Berries and everyone said they are found in Ascended Herbarium Deserts. I looked everywhere for them in about 10 realms, resetting it each time. I then bumped the difficulty up from explorer to balanced when generating ...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Material stations

so, this idea is for the mining stations, logging stations, hunting stations, farming stations, and fishing stations that the NPCs can do for you. Why do they not provide materials based on the map? They’re super useful for early game, sure, but a...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open