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Showing 151

Planting Interface Cumbersome on Controller

Planting in pots takes one more step than is necessary. Once a seed is planted, there is no other option available except exit. Exiting the interface is therefore a wasted step, and fatiguing when planting with a controller. (AXB, AXB, AXB, repeat...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

holt bloom and crude sticks from gold ore nodes

when farming gold nodes in my forest ascended herbarium cave the gold nodes are producing crude sticks and holt bloom. :(
5 months ago in Bugs 3 Open

Unable to cut/loot corpse of Eoten

After killing the Holt Eoten, it slid down the side of the hill into a pill of rocks, and I was unable to cut down/loot the corpse of the tree. No matter where I tried cutting it down with my axe, it did nothing since it was stuck in a little into...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Realmwalker's Compendium - Player written journal in game

I'd really love a notebook within the game so I can detail my own findings as I explore. So for example, if I find an iron node I can record where and when I found it in my notebook. Or where a particular NPC is. Etc etc. I realise the community i...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Pots do not show plant

Many of my pots have been seeded and watered, now I do not see the grown plants in them unless I move them to another location, the plant is still visable if I move them back to the original location. After that, they work as they should do (seed-...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Metal with ranged damage attribute

There are certainly 50 metals with attribute melee damage but not a reasonable metal with ranged damage attribute. the metal einaidia is either a bug with its ore weight of 6kg or it is a bad joke that I can't laugh at. the only metal for a usable...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Death by Fishing

I was fishing. I suddenly was flung across the ocean. Drowned and my surviovor revived me. So I was underneath the ocean alive. Couldn't get out. I have pictures. I thought it was funny.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

bugged kills, cannot harvest

just killed a bunch of the welkins grasshoppers, cannot harvest two of them
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

axepick is useless

It's an Axe, it's a pick .. but it's not .. can't fell a tree with it, can't mine with it .. I thought it would be an upgrade to carry an axe and a pick, but no .. it's just useless. (only to fight)
5 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Same item Different teir

We would really like to see a change to same items in different tiers. If for no other reason than verities sake. The items I am referring too are the different fibers and trees. Like holt bloom and ribbon wood. We are little loot goblins and mat ...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open