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The Antiquarian Site of Power has a collision error?

I have rolled a new character and intended to finish the Antiquarian site of power before bed. So, to be clear, this is a fresh start in Online Mode. New map, new everything. I don't know if it matters, but I skipped the tutorial. Get through the ...
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Bugs 0 Open

Tree decoration regrown by Carnute has same height as tree

If you try to glide or jump over one of the stump sized decorations and you will be blocked by the invisible ghost of the dead tree.
18 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 0 Open

Companion NPC Pathing Issue

I placed some lanterns against the wall on the outside of the wall. My companion refuses to walk past them and just stands there staring at it and doesn't move anywhere again, no matter where I go in the building and how many times I say "follow m...
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Bugs 2 Open

Unable to break walls

While exploring in Ascended Hunt Swamp, at the Bastille of Agility, I was unable to break marked walls with my Dauntless Axe pick or my Dauntless Pick. It appeared as though all my hits were going to the ceiling rather than to the wall.
20 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 4 Open

Bound spawns inside rock formation

In a desert defense POI, one of the stages of bound all spawned inside a rock formation. I was able to kill them all eventually with Quake, but they really shouldn't spawn inside where they could not escape.
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Bugs 1 Open

dropping through top layer

seems not only do I fly above in some areas of layers (already reported) but now I also drop through the top layer to the second layer (glad its not the underlayer of water). This time it happened while I was trying to climb up a cliff face with m...
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Bugs 2 Open

Bound spawn inside a large rock during defense quest

During a defense quest, the bound spawned inside a large rock nearby the structure being defended. Some of the bound were clipping outside of the rock and could be killed, however some are completely inside the rock and cannot be killed. The quest...
26 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 0 Open

Tree log cant be destroyed

There is a weird bug where , if u fell a tree , and want to fell the log , the log gets ´´unkill abel´´ so the stomp just stays there and doesnt grow back, even the ghost deer trys to make it grow but cant, so the deer is in this weird loop of try...
26 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 0 Open

Third Person View disabling menu etc.

Third Person View disabling menu etc. Also when facing a solid surface like rock or cliff.
29 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 0 Open

fell into the rocks in Hi Desert

while moving toward nellie bly i got caught in the rocks and could not move. section G3 loc -52,022.2 13982.6 -6,748.5. The 'help im stuck command did work the second attempt to put me close.
30 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 0 Open