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Realm Cards

Showing 81 of 3097

Spider AI

While running a elvated swamp astrolabe realm, i had the Utopia Apogean Card active, the Widower Spider type AI broke upon being attacked and stopped functioning entirely, regardless of how many times attacked.
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

skybox variety seems to decrease every update

I remember seeing such a beautiful variety of vibrant skyboxes in videos and in screenshots released during the closed alphas. I LOVED all of the beautiful, vibrant skies one could have. It seems, though, that with each update, we get less and les...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Allow different biome abeyance cards

I would like to be able to reset my abeyance biome or at least move the crossroads to a different realm. What if I could reroll my abeyance to a desert with black sand? Or a swamp with pure white vegetation? The Abeyance realm is a hub but appeara...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Moving after playing a card at the Realmic Transmuter cuts out its SFX

Moving any amount after playing any card at the Realmic Transmuter causes its sound effects to be muted for a few seconds. It returns right before it fires off.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Event realms, or something similar

I was thinking, in the future, it might be nice to have some "other" temporary realms, such as Halloween or Yule! Put the NPC trader in that realm, like was tested with the event NPC for Spark of Hope, give them quests, currency, and make the real...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

"Close Portal" behaves like "Reset Portal"

Realm Cards, esp Address Cards, are lost when "Close Portal" is selected. I found this out the hard way when I just wanted to crackling noises to stop in my base. >.< Closing a door doesn't normally mean you also locked it and threw away the...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

duplication of realm cards

placeing a realm card ontop of another returns the first but if its the story realms it causes duplication and an x2 x3 x4 counter to appear this is persistant because i now have 5 copies of this card from this duplication by mistake thankfully it...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Missing translation of "utopia"-card

The translation of the "Utopia"-Card in german is missing. A possible translation would be: Spielen Sie diese Karte, um ein Reich aufzusuchen, in dem die Sonne nie untergeht und Ihre Tarnfähigkeit erhöht ist. Angst vor der Dunkelheit ist nicht nur...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Hollow metal is not dropping properly

After farming 4 hours in a Ascendand gloom desert with malificiate apogean minor card i have gotten 5 hollow metal total. I also farmed 4 hours in a ascendand gloom desert with bloodmoon, bloodmoon eminent and bloodmoon apogean and have gotten 0 h...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Aesthetically pleasing feast and tavern realms

All I want are bright flowers and environment when the card says "spring" with the added bonuses off what the Feast card also gives. The "Feast" card describes the environment as "spring" but the grass is brown and the plants i grow are brown, yel...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open