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Realm Cards

Showing 81

Realmcard effect gone after a few days

Hello, I am currently moving around Welkin´s Reach and I have activated a Minor Realm Card (Explorer Eminent) removing all ill effects created through heat, rain, etc. Now I didn´t have time to log in to the game for about 5 days or so, and upon l...
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Visuals persist from minor cards played in Abeyance

I've noticed, particularly with Utopia and Feast cards, that playing them in Abeyance carries over into Sylvan's Cradle. In the case of Utopia, the sun never sets, though I have not checked to see if the status effects come into play.
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

crash caused cleansing sky to revert

I had just gotten to Abeyance from the starting zone, and had gathered the knife and the pick when my game crashed. When I came back in, the effects of Cleansing Sky were gone, and I hadn't gotten the card back. Forsworn Skies is creepy....I want ...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Realm Address Card to Storage Cause Details to Overlap

Some of the Address Card Information persists when viewing other cards in the transfer to chest menu, and when there are multiple names they still populate on separate rows but those rows are occupied by other lines of text. It quickly becomes ver...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Under Investigation

Alchemist Card's text is wrong

The card states that it "increases the magick power of crafted items". When you use it, and check stations, the stations say that "Tool items have Magick+++" and the tailor bench is not impacted. Text should instead say on the card that "Tools gai...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Meat and Bones instead of Wood Bundles from Trees and Shrubs

I will go change the realm card. I am in reset champion lvl 60 /100 Hunt Forrest. Floaty card in place or one that gives low gravity.
4 months ago in Bugs 3 Open

Proper Desert Realms

Could you guys make a proper Desert Realm with only Sand and Dunes as far as the eye could see, with a fairly sized Oasis in the smack middle of the Realm, please? No more Rocks, Boulders, Canyons / Buttes, and Structures everywhere... Just a clea...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Increase the relevance of opening portals to non-story realms with these changes

Reduce the size of non-story random realms with the aim that they can be fully in one or two play sessions Sharply reduce the number of Tier 2+ resources in each random realm Do not let resources regenerate (or do so very slowly) in all realms, in...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open


what ever cards lower your hit taking ability need to be turned way the hell down. the card is part of whatever realm i was in and i was 1 hit and dead with any creature that hit me. crazy
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Applying Utopia Realm Card Makes Rain

I've done this to 2 locations now. First the Moor where I applied the Utopia card to the realmic transmuter in the realm, and it made it rain (it was already raining, yes, but Utopia is supposed to make it stop). I thought, maybe it is the mainlin...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open