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Respite Realm

Showing 69

Streamlined augment description

I really like the new augmentation system, but I feel there is something to be desired for how the descriptions for each augmentation are written. Right now, what a station can do is written long-form and some of it is written it a not-entirely in...
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

ideas,, For ideas Requests Not all are mine , in fact its a collection of ideas from the community. Feel free to jump in and refine, guys. Using current systems and texture models in plac...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Lost High End Gear During Realm Load

I traveled to my respite.. Immediately after arriving, i started swapping out my gear. The load hicupped, as it always does, and I lost 3 pieces of high end gear. Just gone, empy slots. What a serious pain. I quit after that
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Cannot build at Respite, height issue suspected

I can no longer move or build items at my respite in Welkin's Reach. My respite is very high up on a spire, close to the build limit. Going elsewhere in the realm or another realm allows me to build.
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

missing respite

i just logged onto the game and my whole respite is gone yet i can see the my respite on the map but when i go there there is nothing there
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

no rain

I have noticed that for the longest time, there is no weather in my respite realm. All rain has just stopped. Just to test, I have a seeded pot set out and I have been tracking it for days IRL. The weather has just stopped occuring in my respite. ...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Gliding logout bug

I was flying around Welkin's Reach, I triggered Travel to Respite while flying, then after a few seconds I instead logged to main menu to step away. When I came back and clicked Resume, the game goes to the Continue Journey screen and lets me clic...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Using "Travel to Respite" while falling

In your respite realm, using "Travel to Respite" as you are falling can cause injuries because of momentum not being zero'ed out.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Return to Crossways Takes Me to New Map

I am currently in a party with another player and we have been playing together from the beginning. We have our respites on the same map. When I click "Return to Crossways" it takes me to a new realm that I think was the realm I initially spawned ...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Water plants in the rain ?

Water barrels are filling up nicely, but the plants in the planters (also in the rain) need ME to put water on them ? .. how does that work exactly ?! (programmers and devs Vs plant and nature // lol)
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open