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Fine tune placement and rotation

While not major world be nice to have a more precise control on rotation and placement in build mode or a way to toggle snap and free place. Every other game I play right now have that and makes a builder like me let loose but as it is the build I...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Comparing Item Stats

I would suggest adding the ability to compare items with each other. There are so many items of the same "base" or "type" but with different stats due to the different materials used to craft these things. We already have the ability to left click...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Crafting amount could use a slider input

Clicking on left or right arrows to pick how many items to craft is slow. Adding a slider can help some players and may be easier and faster in some cases.
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Issue with the assignment of the 'A' key for AZERTY keyboards

At the start of each game, the 'A' key, which brings up the consumables wheel on an AZERTY keyboard, is disabled, and the 'Q' key takes over this function. However, the 'Q' key has retained its function for moving left. You have to go into the con...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Stamina cost for fishing is very unbalanced

The stamina requirements to catch fish could use some work. 145 stamina is more than enough to get one to the top of a mountain using nothing but climbing picks to hoist yourself up a sheer rock face, but not enough to reel in a trout? I tried fis...
6 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

Add a camera separation option for building

I've been playing a lot of Once Human lately, and I really liked the idea of using the ` key to separate the camera from the character while building. This game needs this feature so badly! It's easy to mess up structural stuff early when you can'...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Sprinting, then going swimming, then exiting the water you are stuck sprinting till you hit the sprint key again

If you are holding the sprint button down, then go swimming and let go of the sprint button while you are swimming, when you leave the water your character is stuck sprinting even without the button being held down, until you press the sprint butt...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Auto-run Sprint Toggle Not Working

Until recently, you could toggle sprinting on/off while auto-running by pressing the sprint key.
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Levitating in a boss rush

i joined a random i've met at the watch and we were doing buss rush. At some point, against the giant bug with the pillars i just started levitating, went always a little bit into space and could not get on the ground. Even after getting to the la...
about 2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Guidebook should not lock character controls

On some occasions guidebook entrys are plopping up. These will then lock the character controls for a brief moment. Even when clicking in the top right corner it's a hindrance and can likely get the player killed. As this happened multiple times t...
about 2 months ago in Feedback 0 Open