Companion was told to work(mine) and is now stuck under the world
I told "Howard" to mine on an outcrop by a lake in Sylvan's Cradle (NE corner of D5) after looting a few nodes he walked through the map and is now stuck not moving, I am unable to talk to him through the environment to dismiss/retrieve his invent...
When i launch my game i have a problem.I try to move my caracter, go toward or forward or right is not a problem but when i press Q it shows the fast item wheel instead of going left.To solve this problem i edit the key bindings and type A for A a...
this is the first time this has happened but i was in the watch, i visited a merchant and when i exited the dialogue box, my mouse was on longer in control of my character, i could move the cursor around the screen as if i had windowed the game. I...
I think a toggle between tools and using spells/enchantments would have worked better than what we have now. Basically use a toggle key and it changes the hotkeys to your spells or back to tools. This would divorce tools from spells and I think th...
While it is undoubtedly THE way to travel over land, the Charm of the Raven is very dysfunctional in many other situations. Sometimes it doesn't go off, oftentimes it boosts where or how far you don't want it to. To clarify: 1) Sometimes it doesn'...
Used climbing picks and now my character is stuck in place, I can jump, use some weapons, but I cannot leave the spot. Using the "Help, I am stuck feature" teleports my character to a different spot, but it remains stuck and unable to walk off.
It'd be really nice if keyboard movement controls had a "double tap to dodge" option. Cyberpunk 2077 has it and I've found it to be much easier to use.
Quand j'appuie sur la touche "Q" au lieu que mon personnage tourne à gauche, cela ouvre une roue de nourriture. Je suis aller voir dans les paramètre, et rien à faire...
Please add a proper sprint toggle, take all hotkey for chests, description of items in radial menu. Different icons for types of materials or at least some color dif for (meat from prey versus predator as an example). There seems to be a bloated a...
I mentioned this back at initial release, but youre hotbar style is poorly designed. With some new additions in combat with new bosses etc being able to quickly switch(THE RADIAL IS NOT QUICKLY) you need one hotbar and a single offhand and be able...