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Controller with Respite not functioning properly

T1 Respite with controller (PS5), Can only open and tab left/right but not able to select any other menu within the T1 respite on 1st realm. I am going to guess might be the same on other ones. I have to drop controller for keyboard to use.
2 months ago in Bugs 2 Under Investigation

Unable to Swap Equipped Items with Gamepad

Description: Unable equip items by swapping when using the gamepad. When pressing the equip button, items will only go into empty slots State: Actively investigating Workarounds: - Use Keyboard and Mouse to Swap Equipped Items To help the Developm...
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Under Investigation

Cannot navigate the Lodestar Point UI by using a controller

Description: Lodestars UI cannot be navigated with a controller. UI can be invoked with a controller, but it doesn't recognize its input, which prevents the player from using it. State: Actively investigating Workarounds: - Use Keyboard and Mouse ...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Under Investigation