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problems with magwytch marshes portal

I can no longer enter the portal to Magwytch-marshes, it says the world map machine is in use, but no portal can be seen, and I can't do anything anymore, it doesn't go any further, I can open the other portals in limbo
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Reset Realms

Me and my friend are playing an online save, so I'm not certain this also happens with an offline game, but every time we change realms using the at-home portals it resets the realm we chose and sends us to an essentially untouched realm. For exam...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Realm Owner cannot reset portals

Upon attempting to reset portals, either at the Crossways or Realm sites or built portals, I, as the realm owner, cannot reset portals. It unlocks the difficulty to allow me to change that but the checkbox to reset it remains grey, and yes I did p...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Completed Bastille of Intellect still produces sound on teleport

I built my base over a completed Bastille of Intellect. Whenever I teleport to it, via login, travel to respite, or Lodestar, it gives off a single tone. Not annoying but probably a bug
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Game crashed, Lost building menu

While overweight was traveling to respite and the game crashed. When i logged back in went to build Crafting table upgrades and the Build menu was blank. Progress shows fine just no options. All Steam files Validated.
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

It is possible to open another instance of Abeyance with reset POIs and containers

So it turns out you CAN sort-of reset all the POIs on your Abeyance: - Find the Portal on the Abeyance map - Play your Abeyance Card (it is not consumed) - Check the "Reset" box - Ignore the scary message that suggests you will lose all prog...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open


After completing certain dungeons the portal at the end will not load!
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Allow selection of Realm from login screen

When logging into Nightingale, please allow a drop down with unlocked realms - and a toggle to force it to "your original" zone, similar to the "to your original crossroads" button on the map. When we're logging in, we'll log in to the last realm ...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Portal in Magwytch Marshes do not open back after the minidungeon

after waiting over 10min and restart multiple times there is no portal back to magwytch marshes map, it doesn't open. no chance to leave the instance
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

The machine that accepts the realm card by the storied portals is not visible

I can interact with the side of the portal, but i don't see anything that i am interacting with. There used to be a machine by the portal that you placed your realm card into and i no longer see that. maybe its not supposed to be there anymore and...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open