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Any fast travel point

Please allow multiple fast travel points to be placed freely, not just one house. The current specifications force us to build our houses right next to the portal. When I want to move quickly, I use fast travel, and when I want to explore slowly, ...
about 2 hours ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open

The Watch Forest Portal Might Challenge bug

HI! Me and my 4 other friends have been doing runs of the three portals in the watch and have come across a glitch/bug twice in the forest area during the tests of might where one or more of the creatures we need to defeat spawn inside walls where...
1 day ago in Nightingale Bugs 0 Open

v0.3 Post Update Feedback - Nightingale Materials Catalogue

Greetings Devpeoples, Here is a list of all issues and inconsistencies found whilst updating the Nightingale Materials Catalogue to account for the v0.3 changes.This list accounts for as much as could be found through all the various categories, a...
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open

Would like to request the ability to Lock a Portal

There have been a number of instances where players have mentioned accidentally wiping out a portal configuration due to various circumstances. Would it be possible to have an additional UI element added to the portal screen (where the reset tick ...
12 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open

Add seamless portals as an alternate intra realm fast travel option for more ways to make an estate

Teleporter pads don't quite have the same creative freedom that something like this can have. It will be nice to have both.
6 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open

Increase uses for Synchronized Lotus

Synchronized Lotuses really tend to stack up. Can they be used as portal buffs for higher realm levels? Some other use??
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Feedback 1 Open

Porting to Estate

I cant port to my Estate Cairn no matter how far I am
4 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 0 Open


portals system in this game is completely crazy!!!!!! get bored, many updates performed but still many problems with these portals!!!!!!!!!!!! when WILL YOU DECIDE TO CHANGE THIS BAD SYSTEM???????
4 days ago in Nightingale Bugs 0 Open

Zephyr Anchor Point - Invited Guest Spawn Locations

Could Zephyr Anchor Points be spawn points for where players arrive when invited to Abeyance realms? To allow players to control where invited guests spawn at when inviting visitors to their estates. So invited players do not have to run all the w...
29 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 1 Open

Estate Cards need more details and organization options

Estate Cards are wonderful in concept but are, sadly, somewhat lacking in terms of their support for their function. Being able to bookmark a realm for later return is wonderful. Being able to share a realm without needing to be online to invite o...
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Feedback 2 Open