After the Winter Patch, when I try to enter the Boss Rush portal, I'm completely stuck at "all is ready" until I forcibly close the game.
Tried to re-enter the game, opened a new portal and convalidate files to no avail
Mode | Offline |
Impact | I cannot play or progress |
Category Tags | Portals |
Realms | Other |
same thing here
As I have already writte in another Ticket for this error:
When the loading screen is not frozen I get this warning in the Log
LogNWXCharacterMovement: Warning: BP_Creature_Boss_Herbarium_BoundMortar2_BossRush_C_2147392964 requested activate return to nav but has policy Do Nothing
And when the loading screen is frozen the log is spammed with These two warnings until I close the game with taskmanager
LogGarbage: Warning: Spent more than 10.00s on routing FinishDestroy to objects (objects in queue: 36)
LogGarbage: Warning: [0]: BP_StructureVolumeComponent_C /Game/NWX/Maps/Temporal/Cavern/MTR_CAV_8055/MTR_CAV_8055.MTR_CAV_8055:PersistentLevel.None.None, IsReadyForFinishDestroy: false
same issue for me
I am also having the same problem after the winter update.
I have exactly the same problem. Annoyingly enough, it worked fine on Thursday but now does exactly what you're saying.