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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 28, 2024

A ship that will act as a mobile base and another mode of realm traversal

With the game being heavily focused on adventuring and gathering resources, I feel like a mobile base such as a flying ship in some form would be a very big complement to this style of gameplay and the game in general. At the moment, you need to gather what you can carry and then teleport back to your home base to drop it all off and then go back to the farming location to resume gathering. A process that can be very tedious given that the teleport is a one way trip, meaning you have to walk all the way back to resume gathering. Of course, you could add an anchor point to the location to teleport straight back, but I feel like a better solution for the game would be a mobile base in the form of a ship. This ship would be able to carry massive amounts of collected resources and also allow you to craft consumables you need to continue your adventure without needing to return home to craft them. As a result, you will be able to stay in a location within a realm for much longer and continue your adventure without interruptions of having to travel back and forth from your estate. But why would a player go back to their estate if they have this mobile base?... The ship wouldn't do everything you can do at the estate, upgrading of gear and crafting unique items could be left to be done at the estate only, add to this if the ship was made to grow and be upgraded alongside the player, then the upgrades and stations within the ship could be needed to be crafted at estate work benches and then installed into the ship. Not to mention, you could possibly have a fuel resource that can only be made at the estate for the ship.

Why a ship and not a smaller vehicle like a car or carriage?... smaller vehicles would be great, but a ship means that it can't go everywhere and more often you will need to park it close by and then continue your adventure on foot or in smaller vehicles on the ground. With a ship, more diverse realm biome types can also be created without the need for them to form perfect paths for traversal.... With a special magic bubble around the ship, realms such as volcanic and full lava realms, toxic to human gas realms, underwater realms, gravity effected realms and even possible in space realms can be created and traversed. Take a full lava zone as an example, absolutely impossible for a human, or any creature not born of it, to travel through. Within this lava realm, you could find massive geodes that the ship can attach to, allowing you to either gather on their surface or drill/portal inside to collect special crystals and maybe run into creatures that formed in them or hidden societies that went there to escape the outside world, or even lost pieces of cities and artifacts of ancient beings.

The image I have included is of the Nautilus from the game Jules Verne's Mystery of the Nautilus, I feel like it captures the idea of what I am trying to convey and something along its style I feel would be perfect for Nightingale and its feel.

I truly believe that the game could benefit greatly from the inclusion of a ship such as this and leave open the possibility of massive expansion and diversity of adventure for the future of what is a game with a concept that has incredible potential.

Thank you for reading my proposal.

Category Tags Crafting, Resources, Building, Respite Spawn Point, Farming, Realm Travel, Portals, Movement, Tools/Gear
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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