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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 21, 2024

Cavern Realm Suggestion - Repost RR Update

Greetings Devpeoples,

This post is to supply a potential new Realm to travel through, a subterranean one called Caverns. To me, the lure of what lies beneath the earth in such a wonderful fantastical setting as Nightingale is immense. With the ability for 3-Dimensional travel already, being able to scale upward, there exists the similar capability to delve below. As this is a personal desire of mine, one I'd love to see added to the game, I figured why not write this up and throw it to the wind, and see what might come of it :)

As there are two separate ways a Cavern realm could be implemented, one being as a Biome Realm, and the other as a Major Realm (which then draws off each biome), here I've supplied a rough idea of both options, to show that in both capacities a Cavern realm is a viable, and worth while addition to the game.

As always, thank you for your time and continued development of this wonderful game.

Note: This is a repost of previously posted submission briefly updated for the new RR update environment.
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Option 1 - Biome: Cavern

A Realm hidden beneath the surface. Labyrinthine passages, hidden mysteries, and cold stale air. Explorers have delved below out of curiosity, seeking riches or knowledge. Yet what lies below rarely relinquishes its grasp on such things.

Major Realm Cards:


Ruins of the Fae litter the caverns, seeing the underside of buried things. Old puzzles, abandoned homes and workshops, forgotten long ago. The things a Realmwalker might encounter are nearly endless.


Huge open caverns, crisscrossed by steel bridges and wires, whilst the largest airships would never be suitable beneath the earth, still, some tried to adapt smaller versions to cross tremendous heights with greater ease. Rather than skyward, a Cavern Astrolabe delves -downward-.


A network on mine shafts, pits, and NTTC constructions. Large abandoned industrialization exists within the Caverns of the Provisioner Realms. Whether forgotten to time, veins having run dry, or drive from the riches by unspeakable things, the thought of long buried treasures is a lure hard to resist.


Sunken rivers, caverns full of fungi, massive mushrooms, vines, and lichen. The magick of the Fae Gardens doesn’t stop at the surface, but sinks deep beneath the soil, causing rampant unchecked growth beneath the notice of surface dwellers.


The deepest, darkest recesses of the Caverns are often the places where unspeakable things dwell. Hidden pools of stagnant water, dry waterways and aquifers, crushed shipwrecks strewn along the floors, shattered by the force of rapid waters long vanished. The Bound roam frequently.


One might think few creatures exist to threaten one who travels below. How wrong they are. Tremendous creatures, insects of horrendous size, massive ants and hives busy about a business beyond the human minds comprehension. Giant Moles and voracious diggers breathing through walls and passages. Massive lairs filling chamber after chamber. The worst lies below, unnoticed. Never forget, down here, a Realmwalker is -never- truly alone.

Cavern Materials:

Listed here a range of potential materials one might find within the Cavern Realms.

Biome Wood:

Whether old petrified growth in caverns, strangely large mushrooms with wood-like texture, or as roots stretching down from above, the ability to find tiered wood materials is equal to that of the surface.

Biome Fibre:

Small vines and roots, sheets of Lichen and Moss upon the walls, strands of strange plants dangling from above, or an expansive mycelium network, the ability to find fibrous material remains prevalent, though it might not appear as one would expect.



Lapis Lazuli













Option 2 - Major Realm Card - Cavern:

Biome Effects Become:

“What Lies Below” – Debuff

Slight Comfort Drain Increase

Slight Rest Drain Increase

Beneath the soil, even the hardier traveler can lose their way. Lost in tunnel, time, and trouble, the pressure of an endless darkness, broken only by harsh breath, flickering lamp light, or terrifying encounter, pressures the mind of any who dare to enter such a cavernous realm.


Caves, mines, and burrows, broken through with roots and plants, travelled by subterranean creatures. Flooded grottos from coastline entrances, secret sites and hidden constructions, places seen only by faeling eyes, the deep recesses of forest realms are like stepping to a world just beyond the edge of human grasp.


Deep mine shafts, half collapsed or buried, ores and gem seams along the walls, begging to be struck with pickaxe. Passageways travelled by Automatons, automaton foundries and forges, long abandoned or strangely functional. Underground aquifers, waterways and sparking waterfalls, hidden from the harsh desert sun. Roaming groups of insects, giant colonies of overly large and terrifying ants, their soldiers chasing any intruder. The land beneath the deserts sands is no less harsh and unforgiving as the world above.


Stagnant pools and mushy ground, swaths of fungi, lichen, and other flora thriving in the damp, dark places beneath the marshland. Full of large worms, amphibians, rodents, insects and spiders lairs. Submerged regions burrowed into for safety, long since flooded by the ever-present rains. The blight is an omnipresent risk to any who delve below, and sudden cave ins and collapses await unwary travelers.

Kind Regards,


Category Tags Resources, Farming, Realm Travel, Realm Cards, Creatures/Enemies
Mode Both Online & Offline
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