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Workspace Feedback
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 21, 2024

There's too many cool places in the Realms.....

....because every time I think i've found a flat area near a waterfall, or a hilltop with some level ground, or a nice high spot with a good view... there's already something built on it. Or several somethings. >.<

IMO now that you've established the realm POI system and how each procgen world is populated with them.... maybe dial the actual POIs back a little? Or rather... maybe create a new type of sort of "blank" POI that's intended for "this space reserved for player construction," so all the good real estate isn't taken up by existing stuff, and players have more room to find varied places for their own constructions. I'm not talented enough to make my Estate hanging off the side of a mountain or straddling 5 floating islands like the promo images lol... i need some nice flat space to build and set up farm boxes, and near a waterfall or some other interesting feature or view would be nice :)

tl;dr we need to leave more room for player builders who aren't top-tier and can create a mansion out of a 3x4m wedge lol

Category Tags Building, POIs
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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