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Created by Guest
Created on Dec 21, 2024

Generated Realms & Trader Improvements

Firstly, I really love the Realms Rebuilt update, but although it improves on a lot of the game aspects, I feel like two things have suffered from it. The first being random generated realms, as now there seems to be less need to go to them. I have played the new update for a lot of hours and only had to go to one just to complete Puck's quest.

But before pre-Realms Rebuilt, I always enjoyed opening the generated portals and seeing who or what was on the other side, and was one aspect of the game that drew me in. But now that almost all the quests are in storied realms, there feels like little need to open them beyond resource gathering. My idea would be to have some quests still taking place in generated realms,

Two that spring to mind which I think fit well as generated realm quests would be Bass and Talesin's. So we have more reason to open and explore them.

The second aspect I think suffered were traders. I always enjoyed opening a new realm and heading to the trader to see what new stuff I could get, but now they seem redundant since the new progression menu.

My idea for this is to take some of the items out of the progression menu, such as some of the charms, enchantments and decorations and give them to unique traders depending on the generated realm you open. That way we get the core items from the progression menu but there are still things to visit the trader for.

I feel like these two things would encourage me and other players to open the generated realms again more frequently, and bring more use of the wild portals again. Other than that, I have been very much enjoying the recent big update and can't wait to see what's in store for 2025

Category Tags Quests, Realm Travel, Portals
Mode Online
Sentiment Critical
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