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Buffing your companion

When I know I am probably going to have a battle ahead and my companion's health is marginal, might there be a way to buff, heal, or just give them full health BEFORE the battle and not have to wait until they are injured and then have to heal the...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Unable to cut/loot corpse of Eoten

After killing the Holt Eoten, it slid down the side of the hill into a pill of rocks, and I was unable to cut down/loot the corpse of the tree. No matter where I tried cutting it down with my axe, it did nothing since it was stuck in a little into...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Jabberwock stops attacking and becomes immune to my attacks

I was attacking and dodging attacks from the Jabberwock. Things got hairy and I was about to die, so I used my climbing picks and climbed out of the lair to heal. I jumped back in and the Jabberwock was no longer attacking, and when I attacked it,...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Bad dps scaling

No progess on nightmare possible. Bears on Sylvans cradle impossible to defeat on nightmare. 30 critical hits (head) and more, and the bears are still on 95%. Gear rating 39, not much more possible on 2nd story realm. I'm not a noob, played Nighti...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Cutmore (swords)

A prepared officer of the realm requires a sword such as the rapier, cutlass, falchion etc, to "cut more" than the axe which just now is my main weapon for melee.
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Sleeve covers weapon ironsite

About 20% of the time the sleeve of the Matronly Gown moves? Mis-draws? and covers the ironsite of the ranged firearm, causing precise targeting to be severely hindered.
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Double damage to tree using F key.

When ypu hit tree with axe, when you press F key , damage applied to tree duplicates.
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Cant crit on spiders

Was unable to crit on spider with hunt card so I couldn't kill it. Had enough regen to stand and do a complete pattern around the area and nothing would crit, I was able to get one crit in with an axe but it did not happen again. (This did happen ...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Roaming bound

Apart from the POIs, there are no Bound, which makes fighting quite monotonous, as you always know where they are and can hear where and when they spawn. I would like it if, after a certain number of POIs or killed enemies in a realm, special stro...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

sheliak post-fight speech loops / overlaps when farming quickly

killing sheliak very quickly (can do it in one shot) will start the post-fight speech as normal, and if you're fast enough you can get back up to the lodestar, re-set the fight, and get back before the first speech loop is finished (this makes the...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open