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Bolt action rifle not firing all rounds before needing reload: fires from one to three shots and then requires reload with eight rounds; may fir only once more and is empty again. All realms all situations.

The Bolt action rifles do not fire all of the rounds that have been put into them before requiring reloading. They (I've used several different builds) take 8 rounds to load and may fire only once or twice before they are empty again. I like these...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Cant craft climbing picks

I have unlocked 2 advanced climbing picks and made all the materials, but they won't let me add the stuff to build them??? I took pictures but you provide no way for us to post you pictures. Dauntless and the one after that. I'm in my 5 realm and ...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Hit by a scarab causes movement to no longer work

I was in Gloriana's Tears and was attacked by three Scarab enemies while climbing. Immediately after, I was unable to move using wasd. I can still attack and perform other actions but not movement.
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

defense mission in ascended antiquarian swamp is not spawning enemies. Lower right on map

defense mission in ascended antiquarian swamp is not spawning enemies. Lower right on map
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Controller D-Pad Sensitivity Causing Combat Issues

I dont know if this is just a me issue... I use a controller on PC and find that the d-pad selection can lead to difficulty during encounters. For example, I may try to change my weapon by tapping Left D-pad, but I end up in Build mode because it ...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Prep before a Battle

Don't know why this is displaying like this, but I can't seem to change it. I would love an option to reload all weapons if I knew I was going into a battle, Even If They Were Partially Loaded. Also, but on the same line. I would like a way to he...
4 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Problem with Charm of Meditation

You dont can use Charm of Meditation and Charm of Thornes together it only one active.
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

monde effacé

Bonjour, j'ai voulu me connecté au jeu sur ma partie (plus de 270 heures de jeu) et plus rien le jeu est totalement remis a zéro, plus de personnage plus de base rien du tout comme si j'ouvrais le jeu pour la première fois .... Pourriez vous m'aid...
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

the game crashes and the sound disappears because of the game

the game crashes and the sound disappears because of the game
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Skinning Triggers Charm of 100 Blows

Pretty much what the subject says. If you skin a creature with a hunting knife that has Charm of 100 Blows, it triggers the charm to start add on stacks rather than just being in combat blows with the knife.
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open