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I lost my ability to attack

I suddenly couldn't attack or cast spells, except with my throwing knife. This happened in the middle of a boss fight in a Boss Rush realm, at power level 140 against Sheliak. I tried rebinding my attack key, turning my mouse on and off, and plugg...
about 1 month ago in Bugs 0 Open

Allow use 2 spell simultaneously- one on tool\weapon and one "passive"

Now allowed one spell effect. i wish re-design this. My vision be a one "active" effect and one "passive" at same time. "Active" - enchant weapons\tools (like hermetic flame or Oberon's gift ) or direct cast (swarm, Fiona's wraith etc) and "passiv...
2 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Yex fight on Boss Rush becomes bugged

I'm playing bodd rush mode and had to figt Yex. From previous fights, I knew that Immolation was good at dealing damage to them and the creatures they spawn. So when I dropped into the arena the first thing I did was to cast Immolation. For some r...
3 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Traditional aim down sights mechanics

Hoping to see a feature added to be able to aim down sights with ranged weaponry, like in other fps games. It does not seem like a crazy ask, but essentially just a simple zoom and sensitivity slow down when aiming would be extremely appreciated. ...
about 1 month ago in Feedback 0 Open

Jana restore health randomly

Hello, today, during the fight with Jana, it happened to me several times that he would recover life completely randomly during the fight, so while we were fighting. My partner and I brought him up to almost half life and from that moment he spawn...
about 1 month ago in Bugs 0 Open

Endgame Progression Ideas at the Watch

The Big Excitement of the Watch for me, was seeing other people running around leaning into the MMORPG hub vibe, especially with it just be solo prior for the most part. Taking advantage of that hub and maybe later introducing the next tier hub la...
2 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

Co-Op Give Up Issues

I've noticed when I'm doing Co-Op content like Apex or Boss Rush when I die I can not type in game chat to see if anyone is still alive without activating "Give Up". This needs to be tweaked. I can't turn my line of vision to see the battlefield a...
2 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Killed vault boss, still registering as a running infestation

Died about three times to the boss, it never regenerated and continued the fight. Killed it and it fell through the floor and the vault registers as still in progress.
about 1 month ago in Bugs 0 Open

Brute + salvation broken inside bunker

I went in a story Magwytch swamp bunker, small dungeon, in the 3rd room after rest it was a defend the extractor bullshit, I activated it, a brute came, and when I beat them down to phase 2, it started randomly running around and regenerating to 1...
about 1 month ago in Bugs 0 Open

The pathfinding of the AI survivors needs some work

So I'm fighting Azazel (boss of Sylvan's Cradle; already an annoying fight) and he's down to low health. He knocks me down, my companion tries to raise me... and runs into a tree. Rather than going around the tree, he teleports backwards. He proce...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open