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Roofs clipping through walls (pagoda)

I placed the pagoda flatroof blueprint next to a wall where they showed through the wall, i thought after constructing them that would change, but it still clipped through after constructing
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Double Tap to Dodge

It'd be really nice if keyboard movement controls had a "double tap to dodge" option. Cyberpunk 2077 has it and I've found it to be much easier to use. Thanks!
6 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Quality of Life

Please add a proper sprint toggle, take all hotkey for chests, description of items in radial menu. Different icons for types of materials or at least some color dif for (meat from prey versus predator as an example). There seems to be a bloated a...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Would be nice to have a crouch slide.

Since movement is a big part of the game and there are lots of terrain types. It would be nice to add a sprint to crouch slide. Allow you to slide down hills as well. The hills part is additional. I think a good slide mechanic is what we are missi...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

After sheathing the weapon, the character (in 3rd person) does not go into the normal position (with hanging arms beside). Stays in combat pose, but without weapon.

See above
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Lag is awful

The lag is awful. I am so excited about this game, but combat is impossible. I glitch a lot while climbing. I am running lowest possible quality to try to play. I am currently trying to focus on building and even that is so glitchy it is difficult...
2 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Losing left key control (A and Q assignation)

at the start of the game, i mose arround normaly, but after the first flight (holding knife and umbrella) when i loand i dont have the left movement available. Instead its open the use item food circle. I must rebind the A and Q key, even if this ...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Umbrella glide does not consistently engage if sprint key is being pressed

You can jump and press space to glide all you want if you are sprinting and you'll hear the sound, but you won't actually start gliding often.It will work for a while but then suddenly there will be a long streak of it not working. when it stops, ...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Stamina stopped regenerating

While mining in a cave my stamina stopped regenerating. Fully fed and rested, inventory weight at 70/100 didn't happen to my duo whose generated world I was playing on. Ran down to zero and it prevented me from taking any actions requiring stamina.
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Planned

Character in invisible tube.

When using climbing picks (sometimes), character stucks in "invisible tube". By this I mean I can jump up and switch weapons, but I cant move (on any direction). "Help I'm Stuck"-button doesn't solve this issue. Only restart solves this issue.
2 months ago in Bugs 0 Open