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Using the umbrella makes the world brighter in first person

Using the umbrella makes the world brighter in first person. It's most noticeable in dark conditions, but it also has a subtle effect in well lit areas. I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, so i didn't report it as a bug - but i can't belie...
less than a minute ago in Feedback 0 Open

Fabled creature stuck in rock.

In Gauntlet swamp realm i found Sphagumph stuck in a rock. Can't say if it spawned like that or got trapped after spawning, i just found it like that. I've attached a video showing the issue.
10 minutes ago in Bugs 0 Open

Bad modelling on spawn platform in Gauntlet swamp.

In Gauntlet swamp, the platform where the player first spawns into the realm is practically floating and does not look good at all. I've attached a short video showing the issue.
17 minutes ago in Bugs 0 Open

Missing water texture in Gauntlet desert.

A patch of water in the Gauntlet desert realm is missing it's texture. The water is still there as far as the effect it has on the player's movement, and the splashing sound effects still happen if the player jumps into the area missing the textur...
24 minutes ago in Bugs 0 Open

Virginia's Letter

In the What Sweet Rest Mission, I cannot enter the vault (bunker) to acquire said letter.
36 minutes ago in Bugs 0 Open

an item (my fishing rod) just disappeared out of my backpack along with my sovereign coins i just earned

opened my inventory and items were missing, i know i did not move/delete/sell/store etc. i just earned rewards and are no longer there
about 2 hours ago in Bugs 0 Open

Please Label Boss Rush at Watch

I was excited to FINALLY See BOSS RUSH added to the WATCH. This should have been done a long time ago to promote more people coming to the Watch. Unfortunately, The SHIV NPC near the gate DOES NOT say what the GATE leads to nor does anyone else of...
about 3 hours ago in Feedback 0 Open

a lost freind

louis is not following can not escort him to the medical tent he does not move.
about 4 hours ago in Bugs 0 Open

Lost Equipment/Commands ignored

When I took a Calling Card from my companion (dismissed her to estate) she dropped a box that contained materials but not (as previously) equipment. When I resummoned her at the estate her equipment had reverted to default. She is also ignoring al...
about 8 hours ago in Bugs 0 Open

Graphic glitch on certain bound.

I frequently see a graphical glitch on certain types of bound. Most often i see this happening when the bound are inside a cave or building. Many times i can't actually see the bound but i can see the glitch as i'm approaching their location. It l...
about 9 hours ago in Bugs 0 Open