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audio disappearing

the audio keeps disappearing and i have to restart my game to get it back. i end up with no sound apart from the work stations when i use them
1 day ago in Bugs 0 Open

NPC inventory reverted to previous state on exiting Boss Rush

During a lengthy Boss Rush run I was running out of inventory space, so I started dropping all the purple infusions and loaded my NPC companion up with tier 5 things so I could empty the rewards chest before another player could rush the next boss...
1 day ago in Bugs 0 Open

Main quest wont progress

After reaching the "The Gate of Queen's Brae" and "The Heart of the Matter" quests I am unable to progress these as none of the npcs have the dialogue option to continue.
1 day ago in Bugs 0 Open

NC sewer missing structure model and collisions

Found a spot in the NC sewers where a bit of ceiling is missing, showing a view into a partially-loaded world with other bits missing. You can jump up into that gap and there's no collision there either so you wind up in that weird quasi-worldspac...
1 day ago in Bugs 1 Open

Dee Salute Puzzle unsolvable

Salute puzzle on Dee not solvable
1 day ago in Bugs 0 Open

The quick slot is not functioning properly.

I am playing with the controller, but even if I don't press and hold the left or right directional buttons for the item quick slot, the wheel appears and I can't switch to the next item.
1 day ago in Bugs 0 Open

Misleading information when crafting items - Masterwork Items

When crafting the Masterwork Sickle and Masterwork Umbrella I noticed the tool tip indicates that Masterwork Handles are crafted at the Excellent Masonry Bench when in fact they are crafted at the Excellent Saw Table
2 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Crashes after the last update

Title, mostly in boss rush from the watch for me but some times is just random
2 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Got trapped between parts of the building above the sewer

I was looking for what sounded like a hope Echo in the sewers in Pandora's Bane. Found a weird exit to a place under the ground. Used grapping hooks to latch onto buildings, got stick in between buildings. No escape!
2 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

North Pandora's Bane Bastille of Intellect Bugged

The Bastille of Intellect in Northern Pandora's Bane is marked as 'Complete' despite me never encountering it before. To access it, I had to break a wooden door, and entering the area all of the stone walls covering the music pylons were untouched...
3 days ago in Bugs 0 Open