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A Gate to the Void Quest Bug

The journal quest labled, A Gate to the Void, requires three different infusions to be created on the Excellent Enchanter. The quest ends with asking the realm walker to put the infusions into the Pale Suppression Device located South of The Watch...
2 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

The Map show two POIs on top of each other but only one is here

There is clearly one Bastille of Agility on the floating rock which I have completed but there is no sign of another one either on a rock above it or on the ground below it.
2 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

A Nightingale's Song (quest) - Return to Puck

There's a problem with a Nightingale City Main Quest. I've just killed The Automaton Queen and finished an interaction with Realmic Transmuter in the center of Astrarium. But there's no Puck in front of the Transmuter. And yes, I've already spoken...
2 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Glorious Hunt quest

I completed the site of power and went through the portal back to the crossway. It wont complete the quest.
2 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

NPC inventory reverted to previous state on exiting Boss Rush

During a lengthy Boss Rush run I was running out of inventory space, so I started dropping all the purple infusions and loaded my NPC companion up with tier 5 things so I could empty the rewards chest before another player could rush the next boss...
2 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Main quest wont progress

After reaching the "The Gate of Queen's Brae" and "The Heart of the Matter" quests I am unable to progress these as none of the npcs have the dialogue option to continue.
2 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

NC sewer missing structure model and collisions

Found a spot in the NC sewers where a bit of ceiling is missing, showing a view into a partially-loaded world with other bits missing. You can jump up into that gap and there's no collision there either so you wind up in that weird quasi-worldspac...
3 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Wooden carts exploding?

When breaking up wooden carts of various types (to harvest wood from or clear an area) there now seems to be a kind of explosive flash effect happening? So far i've noticed it in the Gauntlet forest and desert realms. I will visit some other realm...
3 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

Dee Salute Puzzle unsolvable

Salute puzzle on Dee not solvable
3 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Not translated.

Some item descriptions, NPC dialogues, quest content, and codex entries have not been translated into Japanese. In particular, everything in the city of Nightingale has not been translated, making it less enjoyable. With each update, even things t...
3 days ago in Feedback 0 Open