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Showing 1791 of 3087

UI Scaling issue

I have a 16:10 ratio monitor and many UI elements are anchored incorrectly for handling non-widescreen monitors. They hang off the left and right edges of the screen. Most of the time I can ignore it, but the Glamour Station is useless. Screenshot...
5 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

The realm power for Sylvan's Cradle drops to 7 after completing quest for Desma Valavani

I have been playing with a higher difficulty (Realm Power at +20) so when I first journeyed to Sylvan's Cradle the realm power was 40. However, at some point when I was continuing the Main Story quests for Desma Valavani the level of the creatures...
5 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Welkin's Reach- Rough Patch

Doing Multipalyer and partner quest for Rough Patch is not able to turn in to get rewards. It showed them as completed. Only I as host received the rewards.
6 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Fires not lighting

After update Unreal 5.4 (3 Feb 25) with the new cooking system, campfire fires do not light up, nor is there an option to light or extinguish. Cooking still works, and I can add fuel, but there is no fire or burning up fuel.
about 1 month ago in Bugs 3 Open

Follower NPC is now Invisible after Winter update

Follower NPC is not showing a model. It is invisible. Only thing I can see is the weapon they are carrying.
3 months ago in Bugs 4 Fix Live

Game crashes on launch (can't get past studio splash)

Tried reinstalling, running as admin, running in compatability, restarting, checking integrity, etc. The game just won't run past the Inflexion Games splash page.
about 2 months ago in Bugs 16 Open

Multiple controller issues

The controller bindings for increasing crafting amount and switching tabs are set to the same button, so that you can't set the amount to craft. When pressing the button on controller, it switches tabs. While using the map with a controller, you c...
23 days ago in Bugs 1 Open

Trigger input removed from Menu IU's

Hi! In the latest update, when using controller, all of the places you would use the triggers (L2, R2) to toggle through tabs or options are replaced now by an additional bumper (L1, R1) option. This makes it so that any time a menu needs both, no...
24 days ago in Bugs 2 Open

Oberon's bounty doesn't work on damaged nodes

If you hit a rock while it's not active and then activate Oberon's bounty then it will not one shot the remainder but require a lot of hits as if the buff wasn't active
5 months ago in Bugs 2 Fix Live

Blue/purple beezleboar products display as green

When customizing gear, the blue/purple beezleboar fiber/hide/leather displays in preview, but once you click "customize" and view the gear outside the menu it displays as the green beezleboar materials instead.
6 days ago in Bugs 0 Open