NPC Inventory Disappeared after traveling to respite. He walked over to an already crafted base (nothing was needing to be built), and interacted with the smelter as if he was building something then everything was gone.
Could not progress in the underground gauntlet forest bonus realm
Entered the underground vault thing in the Forest Gauntlet realm and after killing the death weaver spiders the door did not unlock to go to the next section. Just remained closed and the reward essence pool stayed red as if there was more to do
Animals ignoring Estate Cairns and stampeding through gardens
I've had animals destroy house walls, destroy garden boxes, run through the house and up the stairs. They cause a far amount of damage. I thought the cairns were supposed to keep them away
Hi! I'm a technical writer by trade. I also don't fully understand Discord, so I'm sorry if this has already been discussed or resolved. But maybe this might help other people like me.
I've noticed a lack of walkthrough guides for quests in this ...
Make it possible to either hide certain tier equipment from craft menu or color code them
When in the crafting station - It is really difficult to understand which items are on which tier unless you remember the item names. There should be either a toggle to show/hide specific tiers of equipment, or at the very least color code the ite...
Stepped into waist-deep water in pool on top of Font of Secrecy in C6. I'm treading water, and can't climb out onto waist-high stone blocks. Can't access any tools.
I got stuck in the Northern-most cave. When using the 'Help I'm stuck' it bumps me out of the area I am stuck in, however, I still cannot move. I am not overweighted. I am in an area that is flat and should be able to go but nothing works.
Allow to combine two etched ingots to combine attributes and create a custom hard alloy ingot which can be used like any other ingot.possibly allow us the ability create a t4 forge/smelter as a work bench allowing to create hard alloy ingots and a...