what ever cards lower your hit taking ability need to be turned way the hell down. the card is part of whatever realm i was in and i was 1 hit and dead with any creature that hit me. crazy
An idea inspired by the game Empyrion - Galactic Survival. In this game there is a dedicated mode where you can build freely without constraints related to the environment, resources or survival. You can take your time to finalize your project, sa...
The puzzles that involve accessing the floating things in the sky to activate glyps are hard enough for some os us with them resetting if we have to leave the game for some reason. Once activated, a glyph should stay activated. Please!
Hello, I mean the NPCs for this "Build helping". They run around, fell trees, mining stones ... but they never finish their own buildings. That make not really sense.
nightingale mystic climbing picks. Cannot craft, have items
nightingale mystic climbing picks. When crafting at the excellent smelter, the smelter highlights my 2 artisanal pick heads in red and will not accept them. They are made of shimmering and zinc. There is no explanation of what other metal may be r...