questing for J.Ain Dessert Gauntlet. killed Humbaba, but he fell over and then flew up in the air so I cannot harvest him. (I have a screenshot of him in air if you need to see for youself)
It's an Axe, it's a pick .. but it's not .. can't fell a tree with it, can't mine with it .. I thought it would be an upgrade to carry an axe and a pick, but no .. it's just useless. (only to fight)
Bass Reevse quest won't give achievement when completed
I finished the bass reeves quest line and told him about Wilhelmina's plot. I can't get the achievement for it though. Additionally, I have an open quest to hear wilhelmina's latest rumor, but when I speak to her there's no dialogue options.
There is a circling dirigible in the Astrolable Realm(s). It's the only mobile dirigible in the game. The propellers aren't spinning - so how is it moving? Given that it's circling, just having the outside (left when facing forward) propeller spin...