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Cooking stations and Smelters don't have well lit and warm when active/lit

Cooking and smelting stations do not obtain the well-lit and warm traits when they are lit. It requires placing a second cooker/smelter and lighting it to cause the traits to become active.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Strange Clicking at the character select screen that persists through part of the loading screen

Not sure if its an intended effect. There is a clicking sound that is quite annoying that persists through part of the loading screen while waiting for realm to load.
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Missing translation of ressource details (german)

If you hover over a ressource (for example "wood bundle"), you get an english text instead of german. "Raw Ressource. Acquired by chopping trees in every realm."Possible translation:"Seltene Ressource. Kann durch Holzhacken in jeder Welt erworben ...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Spawned sideways (90 degrees rotated screen) but the world was normal

Spawned sideways (90 degrees rotated screen) but the world was normal I just played the game for the first time. I died and then respawned perfectly fine. After a bit the game crashed (send an unreal report) And after getting back into the game I ...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Dark mode on this community portal

It would be a good thing so our eyes don't get burned out.
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Alternative keybinds

Hey!I would like to see alternative keybind for every controls, so you could bind one action to two button. Why would be it good? For example I have two language keyboard setup in Windows and because of that if I press my 0 it can be "0" or "`" ba...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Increase Fabled Carnute/Harpy Resource Drop Rate

Please increase the drop rate of fabled carnute/harpy resources. They're already hard to track down, I don't think the drop rate needs to be super low like it is now. There is no other end-game resource this hard to obtain, so I think making it mo...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Got stuck in a Vault; couldn't advance due to broken puzzle, couldn't return to the watch directly.

I just got to the Watch, wandered around a bit and stumbled around a corner into a portal downstairs somewhere. I came out in some sort of Vault. The first puzzle was an insight trial (find the sigils hidden on walls everywhere) so I located all o...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Stuck climbing with picks

I was climbing in the Abayance realm but couldn't release, climbed down still couldn't release, hit "I'm stuck" and teleported to nearby but was hovering in climbing posture still couldn't release. Hit I'm stuck and teleported to respite and arriv...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Too many crashes! AGAIN!

I start up, log in. Move player around and shortly with no warning, CRASH. Sent reports last week, 5 crashes and then i got frustrated. So I laid low for a bit and just tried again tonite. And then CRASH! So.... we're back to stability issues. You...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open