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Showing 1756 of 3044

The machine that accepts the realm card by the storied portals is not visible

I can interact with the side of the portal, but i don't see anything that i am interacting with. There used to be a machine by the portal that you placed your realm card into and i no longer see that. maybe its not supposed to be there anymore and...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Fly Fishing

while trying to fish (full cast simple fishing rod second map tiny lake near settlement) i was somehow launched off out to E1 where i hit the map wall and fell into the ocean no enemies around just my fishing pole i was in the water possibly where...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Glitter intensities keep getting reset

The intensities for glitter in eyeshadow and blush keep resetting when I click finalize so my character is stick with alot of glitter on her face.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Equipment Disappearing

When trying to apply an infusion to an advanced hunting knife that has immolation and recovery spells on it the game glitched and deleted both the knife and the infusion.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Steam deck character creation name field not functional

When crewting a character, I am not able to use the virtual keyboard of the steam deck to edit the name field. Did not work with an external keyboard as well. But overall the UI and feeling on steam deck/ joy stick improved so much. Love it!
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Pocketwatch is bugged and doesn't return to respite

For a while, even after restarting the game, the respite button would do nothing. It almost looks like it's substituting the option with unstuck. Now, it randomly works again, and I have no idea why. The crossways button always seems to work, but ...
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Auto-Add Resources from chests not working

Auto-Add Resources from chests not working sometimes so I have to have it in my inventory for it to work. My companion doesn't add his resources by himself either.
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Items despawn from Inventory if apply some charm

After attatching the browler charm in my bow it disapears, also my backpack with the charm for redused stamina cost for conquer methods
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

cant place down builds of any kind

just starting new after update, in first worldplace home cairn stone in first camp i findplace bed and wood table, try to move wood table, noting happenscan no longer place blueprints of any build at all
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Duplicate

Cannot enter the Abeyance Relm

Enter the abeyance card walk through the portal and load back into the same starting area. Cannot progress any further
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open